Tuesday, April 04, 2006

oh $#@p!

OMG! hell has officially frozen over. . .
i come in to work this morning to witness a bunch of jaws dropped low and gathered around a 20"iMac in the back of house. the news is out.

macs do windows now. introducing the apple boot camp beta
what does that mean? what does it all mean? is this a sign? babies are crying all around. mothers are puzzled.
at least in my house.
watch out dell. rev up your engines. IT's ON!!!
i heart my apple stock (AAPL: 64.57 : 10:13AM +4.4 since i came in and heard the news)
it's also going to mean a lot more work for me...sigh.

btw. if anyone wants to buy my macbook pro. . . holla. yeah i'm serious.
here's the specs :: macbook pro 2.0ghz intel core duo/2gb/256vram/100gb/applecare

little moments . . .
this has been circulating and i thought it be great to share with all of you. i think sometimes we need to really experience joy in the little things. when was the last time you celebrated something so miniscule but yet so unique and special? i know it also takes some time for people to get this. that's ok, take your time. then smile and enjoy this little moment.

On Wednesday of this week, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00am & 1:00pm, the time and date will be:
01:02:03 04/05/06

You may now return to your normal stuff.