Tuesday, January 20, 2004

we try to live everyday without any struggles. anything to make it easier, taking short cuts that compromise our character and integrity. or we mope and complain. we want to live like supastars or like we're on vacation. even then we still have our complaints. this striving is really a deep longing for heaven, living in complete wholeness. but we don't really look to that end or grasp its awesomeness and implications for how we live now. we prefer our fantasies, vacations, where we are being served, our desires met. our idea of worship also often centers around blissful sunday gatherings of escape, drinking in sweet words to forget about our realities. please no demands. that's where we want to live.

reality is like a tiger around the corner ready to tear at your throat. reality is a new semester about to begin, returning to work the next morning, making deadlines, paying bills, dealing with each other, getting grey, rounder, or wrinkly. we have choices to make. reality is a God who has always been at work and still is at work in our lives. he is a God who broke into our reality to reveal his love to us and died but still lives so that we too can know that we can truly live eternally now. real worship must come from our reality, like every moment counts. everyday is a day full of moments made for worship.

"and whatever you do whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
colossians 3.17

"now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
hebrews 11.1