here are some things that made me go hmmmm in my delirium --
random smile :: have you ever look'd in the mirror and said to yourself, "damn, i look sooo hot!!!" - my friend, "not a frequent occurance"
marriage :: "if i get married, i want to be very married" - audrey hepburn
raising boys :: "as much as it may distress us, our boys are future men...boys take alot of faith" - douglas wilson
reminds me of when i was in target one day. i heard some commotion, looked up and saw this lady rushing in my direction with this intensely horrifying panicked look on her face. i then hear some shouts from far behind me on the other end of the store. it was from another lady that this woman knew who indicated that she had found something - her child. the woman stopped running. i then witnessed the transformation in this woman's body as if a spirit was leaving one's body. from torment to peace. this is stress that i can definitely do without. shutter to think. when i think of being a father one day, and you have to think about such things being married, i sometimes think that the misbehavior of my children will be due to the consequences of my own sins, or perhaps be a taste of my own medicine if you will. to some extent there is some truth in there. we see biblical examples of generational sin patterns. we see the little boys in church look and act like their fathers in their youth. this makes me scared to have children besides the fear of just losing them in a department store. a little me, i can barely deal with myself and my own sins. but faith. it allows us to break free from this and calls us to be true parents to help our children rise out of their falleness in their present troublemaking and offer a door towards becoming wholly mature individuals.
roger ebert on tupac:resurrection :: "He attacked Spike Lee and Eddie Murphy for no good reason. He fought with the Hughes Brothers, who were trying to direct him in a movie. He was accused of rape. He did time behind bars. He was involved in gunplay. He was making millions of dollars and did not fully realize what a target that made him, in a new branch of the music industry where murder was a marketing strategy" ... hmmm
amazing grace :: kobe last night before the lakers/knicks game :: "Everybody has their breaking point," he said, "and I've been there. And it brings you closer to God." How did you get around your breaking point?"Faith. There's no other way to go." Faith and ...? "Faith and God. I just had to put it in His hands and allow him to carry me. Because you can't carry it yourself. It's too much, too heavy" ...
ain't that the truth...let's pray for this young man.
and yes that is a rabbit. believe it or not. this one's named erica. see more fluff ...
old skool fluff... do y'all remember these 80s toys? can't believe they still sell them ...
and of course... real fluff
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